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Proposed Regulations

Climate Change (Green& Resilient Buildings) Regulations, 2023

Climate Change (Green& Resilient Buildings) Regulations, 2023 are developed in accordance with the provisions  of the Climate Change Act of 2016 and in line with the requirements of the National Climate Change Action Plan of 2018-2022 to  support Kenya Green Economy Agenda by mainstreaming the principles of the Act into the Built Environment Sector.  The regulations  shall provide  guidelines for designing and constructing buildings that are resource-efficient, reduce carbon footprint, sustainable and resilient to the impacts of climate change. Further, the regulations encourage adoption of Circularity, Innovation and Sustainable Construction practices as enablers of accelerating the transition to an innovative-led and knowledge based economy. Click to Download

Template for Comments on  Climate Change (Green& Resilient Buildings) Regulations, 2023.