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Langas Police Station Housing Units Handover

Handover of The Completed Police Housing Units at Langas Police Station

On 24th January 2025, a team from the State Department for Public Works presided over the handover of the completed police housing units at Langas Police Station, Uasin Gishu County. Also present were teams from the client (the State Department for Housing and Urban Development), the user-client (Officers from Langas Police station) and the Main Contractor (Wilkori).

The State Department for Public Works was led by Arch. Ken Kamau who was accompanied by the Project Management team that included QS. Paul Njogu, Arch. Nelson Oyaro, Eng. Gladys Munyenzi, Eng. Isaac Mutuma, Eng. Joseph Anzetse and the Public Communications Officer, Mrs. Margaret Wahome.

 The Team from the State Department for Housing and Urban Development was led by John Biwott and the team from Langas Police Station was led by the OCS, Mr. Philip Kegode while the Main Contractor was led by Mr. Akbar Jamal.

The scope for the housing project at Langas Police Station entailed the erection and completion of 1No. block of 12No. two bedroom and 48No. bedsitter units including 60,000 litres ground level tank, 30,000 litres elevated water tank, access road, parking area and waste management. In addition, the site office was converted to a permanent office to improve the operations at the station.

The new housing units will contribute towards uplifting the security officers’ morale. The Report of the Police Reforms Implementation Committee of June 2012, validated through the Police Audit Report of 2013, cites poor housing and office accommodation as a critical factor contributing to security officers’ low morale.